Training Seminar:
Rekindle the Flame
A Day of Renewal and Re-inspiration For the Helping Professional

“And if each of us could use our daily work as kindling for the fire in our individual hearts, the sigh we would sound at the end of a long day could resonate like song that could make the angels weep.  Let’s rekindle that flame … let’s use this day together to rekindle that flame.”

~ Denise Bissonnette (Final lines of her poem Rekindle the Flame)


image of multiple candlesMother Teresa once suggested that “Great work is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.”  Clearly we must be a lantern for ourselves before we can do the noble and humbling work of illuminating the path for others. Yet how often is the expression “I am burned out” heard on the winds within the workplace, particularly among those whose job it is to rekindle the flame of other people – be it in the classroom, the social services agency or the medical environment?  Contrary to popular opinion, the antidote to burnout is not always rest – perhaps it is the sacred fire of purpose and passion that can only be lit and rekindled from the hearth of one’s soul.

Denise’s work has been uniquely underpinned by her uncompromising belief that all work, no matter how mundane, can and should be sacred - that we must strive to imbue everyone’s work with passion and purpose – that everyone should be supported in the journey to discover and to bring their own unique gifts to the workplace.  Over and over, participants in Denise’s seminars report that, in addition to the professional skills that they have acquired, they have been affirmed, inspired and renewed in their own commitment to “make a difference” through their jobs. The “Rekindle the Flame” seminar has grown from this foundation.

Drawn largely from her book, The Wholehearted Journey: Bringing Qualities of Soul to Everyday Life and Work, Denise Bissonnette offers a dynamic, inspiring and life-altering training experience!  Designed to re-ignite the power, passion and purpose which originally drew people to the helping professions, this one day-intensive seminar intertwines poetry, parables, and practical applications to put soul back into the everyday realities of life on the job.

hand-drawn image of a treasure chestCelebratory and affirming, Rekindle the Flame is a one-day journey into the roots of our working lives and our quest for purpose.  With warmth, humility and humor, Denise delivers ideas and insights from the world’s great wisdom traditions in a way that is easy to understand, process and apply it to the 21st century workplace. Rekindle the Flame traverses a rich landscape of teaching, story-telling, poetry and group activities. It enjoins each of us to find, in our work, an expression of our own gifts, our own purpose, and our own joy – all in the context of our common vocation in the “helping professions”.

The purposes and benefits of this Seminar include:


Rekindle the Flame WorkbookParticipants must each have the Rekindle the Flame Workbook - consisting of practical exercises, activities, questions, quotes and excerpts derived from Denise’s inspiring book, The Wholehearted Journey. Customers will be sent electronic (PDF) files from which to make printed workbooks (approximately 50 pages).

Also available for participants is  Denise's CD - Poems for the Wholehearted Journey.

Target Audience

Anyone and everyone who works within the helping professions - including Health and Human Services, Social Services, Employment and Training, Education, Legal Services, Counseling and the Medical Professions.  

More Information On This Seminar...

Interested in having Denise conduct a Rekindle the Flame seminar as in-service training for your staff? Or as a hosted event for your community? Please contact us for details at

Participant Comments

"Thank you Denise. You have helped me to make some important decisions on the direction of my life. I made the terrible mistake of leaving a job that I loved, for a job that was more "secure" and I left my life's purpose and have been unhappy ever since. I loved your conference and was very inspired. You moved me to tears many times! I can't wait to read your book! Thank you for touching my life!"

"It was a magical day that I think will stay with us." 

"This day gave me the spark to make a more conscious effort to bring my best to my job."

"This workshop gave me a sense of urgency about living my life with renewed purpose.  I will bring a new spirit to my work on Monday morning."

"What a wonderful workshop!  As for keeping the spirit alive, I think we should share with one another when we are using the positive things we have learned from the workshop. For example, tomorrow is my b-day and I am going to LIVE IN COLOR, big time!"

"I loved how you weave poems and parables with everyday practical applications – you lend a fresh approach to the traditional world of social services!"

"The thought of dedicating an event or day etc. has been great for me and I don't want to lose the momentum."

"It was an energizing and rejuvenating session!  It was great to leave feeling so upbeat!"

"For me personally, Friday was fantastic and the whole session really inspired me. I will always remember this: "Grateful people are happy" and will try to live by and like that."

"I'm inspired to get back to my journey with JOY! This is the most inspiring and useful seminar of my career."

"It helped me to re-assess myself - where I need to improve personally and professionally."

"It gave me the confirmation & the boost to go beyond myself - to be more courageous."

"Extreme value both personally and professionally - in regards to living and not just existing!"

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photo of Denise Bissonnette

Denise Bissonnette
is one of North America’s most
sought-after trainers and
speakers on career development,
job development, workforce development, and
"true livelihood".

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