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The True Livelihood newsletter is intended to support the work of people who are engaged in developing the careers, vocations, livelihoods, jobs and/or work of other individuals. It is our belief that everyone's work life can and should be molded and crafted to be the expression of our finest gifts and a source of great joy. Towards this end, we hope that the content of these newsletters will support you with both practical tools and inspirational ideas.

Welcome to our January 2018 edition!
Please pass this on to interested friends and colleagues!

Photo of Denise

The Call to Citizen-Based Leadership

Hello Dear Colleagues and Friends!

I hope this newsletter finds you rested and renewed from your holidays, ready to greet your work in 2018 with eagerness, energy, and enthusiasm. Much is being asked of us at this time, not the least of which is to bring the lit lanterns of our hearts into a world that continues to cast shadows of nationalism, intolerance and bigotry, the likes of which we hoped was forever relegated to history books. We no longer have the privilege of "looking back" at the face of injustice - it is here, it is now, and it is real, leaving us with the question: What do we do now?

I don't know about you, but I feel the groundswell of something huge, hopeful, and even holy, taking place. I think we are waking up to a new level of consciousness as citizens, not only of our respective nations, but as citizens of the world. I think we recognize the sacred connection(s) to those with whom we share our offices, our neighborhoods, our communities, our nations, and our beautiful, delicate planet. Tyrant bully leaders are not going to be allowed the last word. We are not going to be a generation that sits back and reflexively allows democracy, social justice, and the hard-won work off inclusion to be disparaged, disrespected, and done in. It's simply not happening on our watch.

In that spirit, I am sending a message to my family, friends, and work community to claim 2018 as the year of Citizen-based Leadership.  Links to this both video and text versions of this message are below.)  With it hope to offer a perspective that inspires each of us to practice personal leadership in big and little ways, in whatever spheres we carry influence, and to raise fierce questions like:

• What does it mean to be a citizen?
• What is personal leadership look like?
• How is leadership a "choice of initiative"?
• What flag are you waving, by design or default?
• Rather than summon "readiness", how do we summon ourselves?
• How do we balance being bold and audacious, while remaining humble and
• What is the antidote to overwhelm?
• Is citizen-based leadership on your to-do list, or your to-be list?

It is my hope that this message will spur lively conversation and productive brainstorming on the myriad ways in which we can raise and use our voices on the side of beauty, good and justice where we live and work. Please share this article and/or the YouTube link with those who you think are ripe and ready to join the groundswell of hope, lit lanterns swung high, beaming brightly.

Let's do this … with love and light,
  ~ Denise

Thumbnail of Denise's video The Call To Citizen-Based Leadership 

Watch Denise's Video on YouTube

Read and Save the Text (pdf) Version