Beyond Barriers to Passion and Possibility

"The most important job any of us will ever have is the work of bringing our gifts and purposes to the world, in whatever roles we play.  By changing our focus from barriers to possibility, an entirely new world opens before us.”

~ Denise Bissonnette

In this dynamic and memorable keynote Denise challenges her audience to stretch their thinking, question their assumptions, change their traditional way of looking at themselves & the people they serve, and turn the world of work on its head!  Drawing on her deep reservoir of work assisting individuals from marginalized populations to find their rightful place in the work world, Denise will present practical tips for applying “possibility thinking” to assisting job seekers with barriers to find employment. By equipping us with new questions and a fresh perspective, she inspires us to move beyond barriers in our own thinking about what the people we are serving have to offer the work world and what the world of work has to offer them! Denise never fails to captivate audiences with her unique style of blending philosophical concepts with story, spoken word poetry, and real-life examples that inspire practical applications. 

Topics include:

Denise needs a minimum of 60 minutes for this keynote, but recommends 90 minutes. 

Target audience:

Employment professionals, counselors, case managers, and educators working with individuals who have barriers to employment.

Blue Skies Poem

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photo of Denise Bissonnette

Denise Bissonnette
is one of North America’s most
sought-after trainers and
speakers on career development,
job development, workforce development, and
"true livelihood".

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Denise is a Partner in
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