Introducing Denise to Your Audience
You are welcome to introduce Denise to your audience in any way that you choose. Below, is a short biographical statement that many customers find “does the trick”. You are welcome to glean additional information from our website – particularly the About Denise - Overview section and her Resume/Vitae.
Many customers have also found it particularly helpful to have Denise introduced by someone who has heard Denise before and/or is familiar with her work. Putting the introduction in the context of a colleague’s personal experience can be a great way to begin!
Short Bio
Denise Bissonnette is an internationally renowned writer, trainer and keynote speaker. For two decades, she has inspired people and organizations throughout North America to look beyond traditional concepts of job and career development and to craft livelihoods rooted in the individual genius of each person. She has authored several publications on creative job development, state of the art job search techniques, the cultivation of the human spirit, and how to "shine" on the job. With a style all her own, Denise's work is a rich tapestry of her talents as a poet, writer, storyteller, teacher and career developer.